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"A Designer Line For Our Furry
Sons & Daughters."
The Keturah Collection exclusive, stylish, Dressy Harness and Sweater Harness are created to add unique fashion while providing convenience for you and style to our furry sons and daughters we value so much. The Keturah Collection is "A designer line as unique as the name."      By French Designer Khannah Josué.
All of our harnesses are excellent quality and promise to fit your deserving furry son or daughter comfortably. Our harnesses are designed to eliminate pulling without placing pressure on the neck, preventing possible trachea and neck injury for the smaller fur babies. You will walk your dog with comfort, confidence, safety and style! 

The Keturah Collection (TKC) is a designer brand dog apparel by French Designer Khannah Josué. The Keturah Collection brand has been specifically designed with the style, comfort and safety of dogs in mind.

Message from French Designer, Khannah Josué: The inspiration of The Keturah Collection came through a combination of learning proper safety for my puppy and a desire for her to dress in style. The result was the birthing of the Signature Hounds Tooth Spring & Summer Line, a Steam Punk Line and a very unique line of warm, beautiful Sweater Harness as part of the collection. As a former model, fashion merchandiser the  major my fashion passion is directed towards designing stylish garments for the dog including the convenience of a harness for the fur parents. 

As a designer,  I focus on the details for quality. For example, most garment for dogs have a hole in the back of the garment so the harness can be pulled through to connect the leash.  Or, I see some garments  lacking detail in colors and/or materials coordination. The Keturah Collection designer harnesses are distinctively created to camouflage the harness so you can focus on the style. To me this attention to detail and quality material with superb lining brings the standard of style of our fur babies back up a notch.